Friday, June 24, 2011

God helps write the path of our life

People ask me how long it takes to write a column. It depends, really, on who is doing the writing. When I write it takes about a week. When God writes, it can be in as little as an hour. God usually writes the funny ones, and I tend to lean toward the more reflective ones. I’m not sure what that says, except that maybe God does indeed have a sense of humor.

Usually, if I just take a moment to ask, He gives me something to write. It’s when I deliberate back and forth on the columns I write, that it can be a very hard process. The truth is, God’s hand is in all of it.

I think it works that way in our lives as well. When we just ask God what His will is, or in which direction we should go, He will help us write the path of our life. It is when we try to go it alone that we really struggle. I must tell you, it is definitely much easier to work with God.

If you have put that part of your life on hold that is related to religion, I would encourage you to make the move toward God. Take that step out of your comfort zone and discover how truly amazing it is to live a life in Christ. Why not explore what other people have found to be so life-giving?

We all seem to live different degrees of faith. Some people are weekly Mass goers and that seems to be enough for them. Some are occasional attendees, and they think they’re doing pretty well. Others pray alone, outside of a faith community.

Then, there are those who seem to fully embrace everything God.

The important thing is to respond to God’s call, because He calls each of us. Then, once you have responded, go with it. See where he leads you. Be open to the possibilities.

It is not likely that God is calling any of us to a lukewarm faith. The barest minimum will not suffice if we hope to have a deep relationship with our Creator. It is a beautiful thing to love God and to experience His love for us.

What are you waiting for?


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