Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Let Me Explain


Welcome to Election Day! 

Let me explain my reasoning . . .

I know it seems like my blog has been hijacked over the last few weeks with all things election. I don't know if that was the right choice or not, but it was what I had to do.

It seems like we are in a moment in history and I felt compelled to speak out. I'm not imagining that my little blog made much of a difference, but when something is happening, we have an obligation to participate in the dialogue.

I really appreciate those of you who have been following me, commenting or writing your own thoughts. I want this to be a place where you can express how YOU think, even if it differs from my own or others, politically, religiously or otherwise.

After all, isn't that the beauty of being able to vote?

When all is said and done, we will still be in this great political experiment together. Try not to let division replace the respect and love we are all called to give each other.

Have a blessed day!

Janet Cassidy
Email me at:  jmctm2@gmail.com



Monday, November 4, 2024

The Bigger Question



I was watching, with interest, comments made by the former President about Liz Cheney.

At first glance, it appears that he was suggesting she go before a firing squad. 

Specifically, he said:

"Let’s put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, OK? Let’s see how she feels about it. You know, when the guns are trained on her face.”

But, in the interest of balance, I tuned in to see how his friends at Fox News could possibly defend his comments, when he also said:

"You know, they’re all war hawks when they’re sitting in Washington in a nice building, saying, ‘Oh, gee, well, let’s send, let’s send 10,000 troops right into the mouth of the enemy.’"

So here's the problem . . .

Technically, in context, you might  agree with his Fox friends and think he was simply saying that Cheney should be sent into battle to see how she would like it.

Maybe he was. 

Maybe he wasn't.

But honestly, I'm not totally confident that the same people who "misinterpreted" his comments on January 6th will not take these latest comments as another call to arms. (Not to mention his latest comments stating he would be comfortable having people shoot through the media to get to him.)

As he often does, he leaves the interpretation of his comments open,  keeping plausible deniability for himself. How many times has his campaign team had to clean up the messes he has left behind? "This is what he was trying to say. This is what he really meant. He was joking," etc.)

I think the bigger question--since he routinely plays loose like this--is whether or not we want a leader whose words can so often be misinterpreted. 

Do we want a leader that cannot be clear when making his point?

Or, IS he being clear about his point and nobody believes he could possibly mean what he says?

What if this happened on the world stage?

We're almost to the finish line. Make sure you vote!

 Janet Cassidy
Email me at:  jmctm2@gmail.com



Friday, November 1, 2024

Proud to be able to vote



Like you I suppose, we have been inundated with election ads. I often ask myself, "Is that true? Did they really do that? What a horrible person they must be!"

After I've done my due diligence and a bit of research, I typically find that the information in the ad is mostly false; sometimes there is a thread of truth loosely running through it, but certainly nothing like the ad proposes.

Every ad does one of two things:

It proposes that the candidate being highlighted can change everything for the better, immediately, if elected, giving us a utopian society. 

Uh, that's not going to happen.

Or, in the negative ads, they propose that the opposition candidate does not have one morsel of decency and holds only evil intentions and is personally responsible for all of the problems in our state or country.

Come on.

Other than the President, who can, indeed, dangerously wield a lot of power on day one if allowed, most of the lower race candidates simply do not have that kind of immediate power.

It's a wonder our state government can even function, if you believe every ad.

Before I vote, I go over candidates on my ballot. I look them up online.  I want to know their background, position and philosophy. After all, these are often the people that will rise in position and power down the road.

Our system of checks and balances should keep us safe. I know we are on shaky ground, having just witnessed what a party movement, empowered and unchecked can do.

I had a "moment" while waiting in the car for my husband, after I turned in my ballot. The familiar "God Bless the USA" song came on and really moved me, having just voted and all. (I've posted the video below.)

Indeed, I am "proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free."

I just hope we can keep it that way.

Janet Cassidy
Email me at:  jmctm2@gmail.com


