Saturday, February 8, 2025

Is Pope Francis a heretic?



Are you among those who think Pope Francis is a heretic? There are plenty of people who express their frustration at some of the things he says and does.

Well, I say, not so fast.

Some of what he says may be challenging, especially to those who want to make the Catholic Church into an exclusive club. 

I was thinking about that today when I was reflecting on the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 5, Verses 1-11. It's the passage that recalls Simon being told by Jesus to lower his nets--after a long night of fishing and catching nothing. On Jesus' command, Simon (Peter) lowers his nets and catches an abundance of fish.

Jump forward. Pope Francis, as the successor of Peter, has a responsibility to open wide the doors of the Church so as to draw in an abundance (of people).

When we follow what God calls us to do, the consequences go far beyond what we can ever imagine.

Let's not be so quick to discount Pope Francis. People were quick to discount Jesus in his day because they couldn't comprehend what he said and did.

I've always said, God is much more loving, merciful and welcoming than many of us, particularly those who want to slam the church doors under the pretense of righteousness.

To quote a wise priest I know, "People like to make God small." 

Why do we do that? 

Let his love and forgiveness flow over you today and free you from whatever is burdening you. Trust in the largess of God.

Janet Cassidy
Email me at:

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Getting ready for heaven


I often respond "Hey, I'm a Girl Scout!" when I get "accused" of being overly prepared for outings. I always make sure we have snacks and drinks and so forth. After all, the The Girl Scout motto is "Be prepared." 

"In the 1947 Girl Scout Handbook, the motto was explained this way: 'A Girl Scout is ready to help out wherever she is needed. Willingness to serve is not enough; you must know how to do the job well, even in an emergency.' The same holds true today."

Well, I suppose I have compressed the motto over the years, since my idea of being prepared means always having snacks; clearly the motto encompasses so much more.

Although Jesus was definitely not a Girl Scout, he described preparedness this way, when talking to his disciples:

“Be sure of this:
if the master of the house had known the hour
when the thief was coming,
he would not have let his house be broken into.
You also must be prepared,
for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.”
                                                                Luke 12:39-48 

We tend to protect what we value. In Luke's example, Jesus refers to a thief breaking into a house and how irresponsible it would be for the homeowner not to be ready if he had been forewarned.

But Jesus isn't really talking about a thief and a house.

The bigger point he is trying to make is that we have been warned. Jesus came to save us and he told us what we need to do. We need to love each other as he loves us. We need to reject evil and avoid sin. We need to allow ourselves to be transformed and saved by the grace of God through baptism.

Unlike the homeowner having foreknowledge of the thief, we do not know when the exact hour will come for us to be called home to the Father.

Because of that, we need to stand ready, prepared for that day. If you value and hope for eternal life, do not procrastinate. 

What do you need to do today, to ready yourself for God?

Janet Cassidy
Email me at:


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Letting go of worry



Way back in Season 10 (Episode 14) of the television show Blue Bloods, the detective character Danny (son of the police commissioner played by Tom Selleck), made this statement:

"Don't rehearse for bad news." 

I don't remember the context of his comment, but it stood out for me because I think many of us do "rehearse for bad news."

My husband, who worked in the medical field, always had a different saying, which I really appreciated:

"Don't worry until you have something to worry about."

Now he wasn't advocating worrying, of course, but his reminder always helped me whenever I "rehearsed for bad news." It's pretty much pointless to worry when you don't even have all of the necessary information, not to mention any control of the outcome!

Whatever you are worried about today, sit quietly with our Lord, and through prayer, spiritual reading, or even inspirational podcasts, receive the peace and calm he is always ready to give.

Try to stop your hand-wringing and remember that he is with you, right now, in this moment, no matter what you have to face.

I have never found one, single, thing that my worrying changed, but I have often experienced an interior tranquility when trusting in God's grace.

Have a blessed day.

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Janet Cassidy
Email me at: