Monday, October 28, 2024

Living in the Light of Christ



Today, as we celebrate the feast of two Apostles--Sts. Simon and Jude--we are reminded of who we are called to be as "fellow citizens," and "members of the household of God." We are built on the foundation of the Apostles, set in Jesus.

Each of us has been chosen by God and are called to be disciples of the One who shows us what it means to love and serve others. We must avoid temptations that lead us into darkness, because we follow Jesus, the Light of the World.

The responsibility of discipleship is great. It means turning away from sin and living in the freedom that comes to members of God's household.

We have been warned that we will be tempted, fooled, into thinking that which is evil, is good. 

I would venture to guess that not one of us doesn't understand this warning. Who hasn't, at times, thought they were making a choice that would lead to good, only to discover that they were walking down the wrong path.

While we may be easily tricked, following the way of Christ really shouldn't be that hard. We just need to ask ourselves if our words and actions meet the standard exampled by Jesus.

Are we concerned more about our brothers and sisters than ourselves?
Are we attached to our own ideas and possessions?
Are we committed to our ways, rather than the way of Jesus?
Will we open our minds to Jesus and accept hardship?

The Apostles were reminded that each of us is a part of the sacred temple of the Lord, and that we are being "built together" by the Holy Spirit.

Today's reading is a sound reminder that we are "no longer strangers and sojourners," but members of the same Body of Christ. 

These words provide a good reset for us, calling us to all we can be:

"Brothers and sisters:
You are no longer strangers and sojourners,
but you are fellow citizens with the holy ones
and members of the household of God,
built upon the foundation of the Apostles and prophets,
with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone.
Through him the whole structure is held together
and grows into a temple sacred in the Lord;
in him you also are being built together
into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit."  Eph 2:19-22

Janet Cassidy
Email me at:

Friday, October 25, 2024

Giving Life a Chance

I was just watching a heartfelt interview with a couple that decided to abort their baby because the baby was diagnosed with Trisomy 18. 

Facing some risk to the mother and the painful experience they would surely face in losing their infant in the future, they said they had to go to a different state to have an abortion--which would take the life of their longed-for baby.

Because of all of this, they have become a political voice in support of abortion and are held up as poster-parents for the need to have abortion available.

I knew someone who gave birth to a baby with a severe condition (as I recall, it was Trisomy 18 as well.) The baby lived for about 3 weeks.

Within that time, her family poured out love on her. Her older brothers fawned over her and her parents held and cared for her continuously, knowing she would not live very long.

When I visited the family and held their tiny, beautiful, daughter, I was so impressed. That little girl experienced the fullness of love and devotion--all that her family could possibly give--for the entirety of her short life.

An unborn child, given a chance at life, or even an unborn child that is cared for in the womb for 9 months who may never take a breath due to being stillborn, experiences great love within the safety of his or her mother's womb. It should be a protected place.

The violence of abortion--and make no mistake, it is violent--removes all such protection.

I truly feel bad for the interviewed couple that chose abortion. They, and their baby, missed out on so much. 

Since both our presidential candidates fully accept abortion as an alternative to life, we must look at other issues that will shape generations to come and the common good of us all today.

Janet Cassidy
Email me at:

Monday, October 21, 2024



From crude t-shirts, to droopy pants and profane language, I've never had much tolerance for public displays of vulgarity. I am totally appalled at the gratuitous use of foul language on television, in movies, and especially, streaming platforms that seem to allow just about everything.

I hope you are equally irritated by these. I just think it says something about who we are.

That being said, I'm sure you will agree that this weekend was no exception. I watched the former President waste his precious time on the campaign trail in Pennsylvania highlighting-not policy--but Arnold Palmer's "manhood" and what other pros thought about "it."

See for yourself:

Disgusting, I know.

And if that wasn't enough, we've all heard him say that January 6th was "a day of love" when "nothing was done wrong."

But, even beyond all that, in an interview with Fox News, he actually denied the presence of guns on January 6th. 

He said "There was nobody killed here, nobody had guns here either." 

When challenged about his statement by the interviewer, the former President asked, "Really? I'd like to know. You mean in the rally or they had some guns in their home? Really? Well I have not heard that at all. I don't think so."

How could he possibly not know there were guns there? 

Check out the Facts First in this article:


What is particularly vulgar and profane is when someone lies, and contradicts himself, and expects an educated, intelligent populace to believe him, when the facts categorically prove him wrong.

We just can't have another January 6th.

Janet Cassidy
Email me at: