"Whoever loves God must also love his brother." (1 John 4:20-21)
Now you might be thinking, "I love everybody."
Or you might be thinking, "That is impossible."
It's pretty hard to love an abuser, a liar or a cheater. For some, loving the President can be pretty hard. It can also be hard to love people that do not share your values, or live differently.
I have not read in the bible where Jesus said we are to just love people who look, think and live like we do. I've never seen where he made a "people to love" and "people to not love" list. He didn't seem to make exceptions when he commanded that we love one another.
But, there are a lot of people today who have made an "exceptions to love" list, who think they are being righteous when they are actually just being judgmental.
We must keep in mind that loving someone does not mean accepting and allowing their behavior. It doesn't mean keeping them close to you when they are dangerous.
For instance, an abuser will quickly try to make a Christian feel like they are not being Christian-like if an apology for their abusive behavior is met with hesitation.
That's just nonsense.
Love them and pray for them--from a safe distance. Don't wish evil upon them. Don't do harmful things to them, but stay away from them. Take time to work through a path to forgiveness.
Many people make choices and hold beliefs that I do not agree with, that I know to be contrary to the ways of Jesus, that truly leave me fearful for them, but even so, I love them.
If you have made a secret list of people who don't deserve your love, remember, love doesn't have to be deserved. If that were the case, I expect we might all be in trouble.
Thank goodness God loves each of us unconditionally. We must try to love our brothers and sisters the same.
Janet Cassidy
Email me at: jmctm2@gmail.com