Monday, December 26, 2022

A "Weird" Christmas

Merry Christmas and thank you for all of the warm Christmas greetings!  I hope you continue to enjoy the season! I have really enjoyed all of the family pictures on social media over the last couple of days.

It occurred to me, since I know that behind several of the gatherings and smiles, many of you were missing parents, children and spouses, you still found ways to laugh and smile and enjoy the people you were with.  That's wonderful!

I think you are living proof that we can rise above our hardships and grief and that it is okay to still laugh and celebrate, because Jesus is born

Because of circumstances, our Christmas was "weird" this year as plans unexpectedly changed for various reasons out of our control, but we, too, still managed to figure out a way to mostly make it work. We will have to celebrate with the grandkids later in the week, but it is completely understandable.

We couldn't make it to church because we were exposed to Covid and wanted to keep others safe, just in case; we continue to be so grateful for parishes that still livestream Mass. My mother-in-law could not make it to Christmas Mass either, due to age and weather, (she lives up north), but my husband pointed out to her that since the priest celebrated Mass for them two days before Christmas, she may have actually celebrated on the day Jesus was born--since we don't know exactly when that was!

Regardless of what your Christmas looked like, good for you for letting the light of Christ penetrate any darkness trying to seep in.  Whenever we choose Jesus, we reject satan, who tries to ruin everything, all the time.

The older I get, the more I find belief in God essential.  The more I realize the impact faith has on my choices in life and my hope for the future.

As you begin to think about the new year, please make room for God.  As we heard so often this past weekend, he loves us so much and greatly desires our happiness.  Do not overthink this.  Just look around you and see the beauty and wonder of creation and choose to accept that it is not a fluke of nature.

Merry Christmas!

Janet Cassidy


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