Sunday, August 18, 2024

Do You Swear?


We had our chairs set up for the rolling cruise. We ended up next to a family that included a couple of small kids. As one of the adults was recalling a sign she had seen along the route, she repeated the words on the sign which included a curse word.

The kids didn't so much as flinch when they heard the adult use the swear word. How sad, I thought, that the adults with this child didn't even have the decency to hold their tongue in front of the kids, and the kids probably hear swearing so often, they didn't think anything of it.

Admittedly, I don't swear. But before you roll your eyes and say, "Good for you," let me just say that swearing can be an acquired habit--a choice--and it can be broken.

I'm no saint, trust me, but I believe that there is enough ugly in this world without us adding to it by using foul language, especially in front of children.

Sometimes swearing is the language of entire families. When they get together, it's just how they talk to each other.

I'd like to suggest that if swearing is your problem, try hard to find a way to break the habit. And, if it is your family's way of communicating, maybe you could be the first to stop. It really doesn't have to be "just something" you do when you get together.

And yes, you will probably be teased about it when others realize you have dropped the habit. It will likely be a bit awkward when you explain your reasons when asked. Please note that I'm not suggesting that you lecture others, just start by changing your own behavior.

I write a lot about being on mission and so forth, but much of our contribution to the good of society can start with little things. For some people, dropping the swearing habit might be the hardest thing they try to do, but it can have a ripple-in-a-pond impact.

It's funny, but we often choose not to give up the hardest thing, the very thing we need to change.

Breaking those personal habits can be hard, but they are well worth doing. Society (and our children) will be all the better for it.

Janet Cassidy
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