Monday, August 5, 2024

Don't move on just yet


I know that many of us get a little consumed with particular news reports that are in front of us for a few days, and then we either tire of the topic, or the news simply moves on to the next big thing, taking us with them.

As happened recently with the outrage over the opening scenes of the Last Supper at the Olympics, that may indeed be the case.

But, because I think it is important that we educate ourselves, rather than just jump on the latest thing, and then drop it, I think it is worthwhile to take the time to really learn the facts, rather than just repeat what we think are the facts.

For instance, I am not into Greek mythology.  Never have been. I can unashamedly acknowledge that, like you, perhaps, my familiarity with the described symbolic representation presented to the world as art at the Olympics' opening, is lacking.  

So, when I came across an explanation of the symbolism--in detail--by someone whose depth of understanding is quite obvious, I paid attention. 

In the video I am sharing with you here, you will find a reasoned, sound analysis of the historical and artistic opening that so many of us Christians found offensive.

I really hope you will take the time to watch it; his insights are quite good and not limited to a discussion on the one performance.

Start with this video, and you'll see what I mean (I have also embedded it in this blog below:

Here is an article that is worth reading as well: 

Janet Cassidy
Email me at:


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