Thursday, August 15, 2024

Our Loving Mother


Today the Church celebrates a very special lady--the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus.

Particularly, we celebrate her Assumption into heaven. Tradition (with a capital T) has it from the very first days, the disciple John took Mary into his home and cared for her after the death of Jesus; later, she went up into heaven.  There is no grave for her.

Importantly, we can learn from Mary (as our Deacon preached in church this morning on this Holy Day) more than a few things. When we think of Mary, we recall her Yes! to the Angel Gabriel at the Annunciation, when she learned that she had found favor with God and would conceive Jesus.

We recall her pointing to Jesus at the Wedding at Cana and her words to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you," and we accept her as our Mother, as Jesus gave her to us at the foot of the cross.

We can learn from Mary.  Say Yes to God. Do whatever he tells you, and love Mary as our Mother, knowing she loves us as her children.

I hope you enjoy this Holy Day and live in gratitude for all of the love and blessings God continues to give us.

Janet Cassidy
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