Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Choose wisely

The natural way for a human being to be created is by love, between a husband and a wife, as God intended.

But there are times, as we all know, that a human is created through violence, casual recreation or in situations where they are not wanted and are considered an inconvenience.

None of these circumstances, of course, changes the reality that a living human being has been created. And in none of these situations can it be said that the baby bears any "fault" for coming into existence.

Even if you don't believe in God, these are things on which I think we can all agree. And if you are a science person, again, there is no argument about these.

What doesn't make sense is that a tiny new life can be snuffed out--intentionally. Yes, it's true, in our country, the United States of America, you get to live as long as someone else thinks you should. And if they don't think you should . . . well you know how that goes.

Let's not get bogged down in the weeds and allow our babies to become pawns in political and legal debates. 

Let's find a way to work toward--and assure--that every baby, no matter how it is conceived, or into what state it might be born (or health condition it might have), is given the full dignity and right to life it deserves. 

A baby's right to life must be given primacy over all the other rights of a woman.

Even if you carry the banner for women's rights, you are surely smart enough to recognize that "women's rights" meet their limit when it comes to taking the life of another.

It's too bad that we can't find one presidential candidate that understands this and is truly pro-life. Lacking such a narrow litmus test for choosing the next president, we will need to widen our requirements and at least elect a leader who exhibits maturity, decency, and wisdom in other areas of leadership.

We can still pray that, as a country, we will one day ban all statewide abortions, and continue our national ban, but while we are waiting for that miracle to happen, let us choose wisely come November.

Janet Cassidy
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