Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The Voice Inside You


I was watching an interview with Ina Garten (the "Barefoot Contessa, cook & author) where she was talking about her memoir and discussing her difficult childhood.

In the interview, she said something that really struck me:

"What goes in early, goes in deep and you should not let somebody else's voice be the one that you're hearing in your head."

As I recall, she was talking about being negatively characterized as a child (by her parent), which contributed to the development of her poor self-esteem. You have to rise above that voice and find your own, which can be difficult if the voice of chastisement keeps floating around in your head.

I mention all of this as we start a new year, hoping that you can work your way through whatever baggage you have been carrying around for the past year--or years--and finally be unburdened and free to re-imagine yourself as a child of God, loved beyond limits.

This kind of "life work" goes far beyond a New Year's resolution. It is accepting and believing in your own self-worth, knowing you were breathed into existence by a Father who sees you--not as a weak or unworthy person--but as his beloved child.

I pray that you will find joy and peace in the new year.

Janet Cassidy
Email me at:



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