Monday, March 3, 2025

A Gift from God



How can God still love us and want us when we are stuck in our sins and cannot let go of THAT PARTICULAR SIN that seems unforgivable?

Like a gift straight from God as we head into Lent this coming Wednesday, we are given a reading today from the 17th chapter of Sirach (20-24) that answers that nagging question.

If you have been struggling with sin, your sense of unworthiness and a feeling of separation from God, maybe this will help. 

Sirach starts with these inspired words:

"To the penitent God provides a way back,
he encourages those who are losing hope
and has chosen for them the lot of truth."

And there you have it. God doesn't put up a wall to keep you out because you have sinned, rather, he encourages you to return to him.

Sirach continues:

"Return to him and give up sin,
pray to the LORD and make your offenses few.
Turn again to the Most High and away from your sin,
hate intensely what he loathes,
and know the justice and judgments of God,
Stand firm in the way set before you,
in prayer to the most High God."

In a nutshell:

Begin as a prayerful penitent who is aware of, and regrets, their sins.

Strive to turn away from them and return to God. (Nobody is saying this is easy. In fact, it can be really hard work as you try to change your practice of sin.)

Hate what God loathes.

Trust that God is fair (just).

Do not waver, but stand firm and trust God.

Pray, pray, pray.

We cannot do this on our own. It is not a matter of self-will. As we struggle with turning away from sin, remember, it is a sign that we know we need God.

Reflect on these words of Sirach from the Old Testament and let them lead you into a beautiful, deep, experience of Lent. In fact, you may want to pray with all of Sirach during Lent.

Janet Cassidy
Email me at:




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