Tuesday, March 11, 2025

A Science Lesson?


When I was homeschooling our kids, one of the things we studied was the water cycle. It's an interesting process where, simply put, water from the oceans gets evaporated as water vapor, forming clouds. Then, it falls back to the earth in the form of precipitation and soaks into the ground.

You and I know, without even really thinking about it, that when rain soaks into the ground, it helps the seeds we've planted grow. In turn, those seeds are harvested and eventually become the basis for the bread we put on our table.

I was thinking about this today because a reading from Isaiah popped up (Chapter 55, verses 10-11) which related the water cycle to spreading God's word.

Isaiah tells us that rain and snow water the earth, making it fertile and fruitful. Likewise, God's Word, coming straight from his mouth, returns to him, once it has achieved its end.

The sun drives the water cycle; the Holy Spirit drives God's other cycle, something we are also a part of. You and I assist God's Word in being spread. Without us, the cycle is interrupted, and everything kind of falls flat.

Think about this as you consider your role in spreading the Word of God. We want to continue to be a productive part of the cycle, returning to God what pleases him, accomplishing his purpose. 

It is during this time of Lent that we should set aside more time to think about these things (what pleases God, what we are to accomplish for his purpose) and in the quiet of prayer allow the Holy Spirit to direct us so that the cycle can continue uninterrupted.

Janet Cassidy
Email me at:  jmctm2@gmail.com




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