My apologies to those of you who cringe at the sight of snakes, but please bear with me . . .
In the 21st chapter of Sirach we are told, "Flee from sin as from a serpent that will bite you if you go near it."
What a great image for us whenever sin enters our sphere. Just picture it as a snake that is waiting to bite you. I'm guessing it will stop you in your tracks if this imagery pops up.
Oh, and the first image?
Beware of the smiling snake. The evil one can easily appear as such, but quickly transform himself into one that can put his fangs deep into us when we are least expecting it.
Remember The Fall in the Book of Genesis?
"Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made."
Remember, it was God who created the serpent and it is God who can protect us from him.
While you are praying your way through Lent, ask God to protect you and give you the strength to resist temptation.
Janet Cassidy
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