Saturday, December 24, 2022

A Depressing Christmas Display


I am so thankful to be arriving at Christmas, for many reasons, but one you might not expect--no longer will I have to drive past the extremely depressing, deflated blow-up Christmas yard displays!

I don't use them and admittedly, I don't know how they work, except I surmise there is some sort of air pump, but honestly, if you are going to have them, please, please either keep them blown up or take them away.  It's so sad to drive past your yard and see a bunch of "dead" reindeer, Santas, and Christmas trees all lying around like some sort of Christmas cemetery--and just before Christmas!

Sorry, that sounded mean; it's just an observation, but admittedly they can get pretty bad (like the above picture I found online.) When you have them inflated, I really do appreciate them, so I guess that's something nice I can say!

Years ago my friend commented about people having statues of Mary in their yard and she called them "Mary in a bathtub."  I thought it was funny, and I've never been able to get it out of my head whenever I see them. Come to find out, there's a lot to them!  Click HERE to learn some interesting history!

No matter what you put up in your yard, I notice them and really do enjoy them (mostly).  After Christmas I really miss it when the trees are out to the road and my street becomes dark again.  I hope you will be wise this year and keep things lit up until Epiphany, January 8th.  (Did you get that?  "Wise. Epiphany. Wise men?" ha ha)

Anyway, thank you for the nice Christmas wishes.  I always read and appreciate your comments in my blog.  I know that your comments certainly help others who may be going through similar challenges.  Never hesitate to share your thoughts as it may help someone else (unlike my unhelpful diatribe about Christmas cemeteries!)

I hope you will continue to celebrate Jesus in his Real Presence in the Eucharist.  You are officially invited to check out a Catholic Mass and I guarantee the beautiful display in the churches will be anything but a deflated, depressing expression of Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Janet Cassidy

1 comment:

  1. So nice to see you again. Merry Christmas.
