Friday, June 21, 2024

Your plan or God's?


Have you ever tried to figure out what God wants you to do? What is your process of discernment?

In "Restoring the Initiative to God" Fr. John Riccardo points out a major fault parishes and people in general have when it comes to planning and seeking answers--they make their plan and then ask God to bless it.

In this video, his sensible approach can be used by parishes or individuals and families.

When I used to hold parish visionary meetings, we would go through some content, then spend some silent time together in the Church before the tabernacle, just listening for God's word to us.

Then we would go back together and discuss what we heard.

This is EXACTLY what Fr. John suggests we do--ask God first and then listen. How can we know what God wants, if we charge in first with our own ideas?

For those who feel that the answer never comes, he talks about that as well.

I hope you will take the time to watch this video (see highlighted link in red above), because it is amazing, and, like I said, it works for individuals and families as well.

Another way to find it is by searching Fr. John Riccardo, Restoring the Initiative to God.

Janet Cassidy


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