Thursday, December 19, 2024

Every Thought You Think . . .


I've been reading about spiritual formation.

I came across a good reminder about the importance of having a healthy balance between our sins and faults, and acceptance:

"Every thought you think, every emotion you let shape your behavior, every attitude you let rest in your body, every decision you make, each word you speak, every relationship you enter into . . ." (the list goes on and on), is "forming us into a particular shape."

In other words, stop beating yourself up over every flaw you have, because everything is working toward forming us.

When you get frustrated with yourself, it helps to remember that we are in a process where "We are being either transformed into the love and beauty of Jesus or malformed by the entropy of sin and death." (Practicing the Way, John Mark Comer)

Like me, you are probably not who you want to be. Not quite yet. This is evidenced by our imitation of St. Paul, who famously said, "What I do, I do not understand. For I do not do what I want, but I do what I hate."(Romans 7:15)

This third week of Advent calls us to rejoice. This is closely tied to our gratitude for Jesus, who loves us deeply and is unlimited in his mercy.

Turn to him and allow yourself to be spiritually formed, and he will show you the way. Try not to be so hard on yourself when you come up short.

The freedom that comes from our relationship with Jesus is remarkable. 

During the busy days ahead when you find yourself more challenged than usual, open your heart even more to Jesus and receive the totality of the gift he brings.

Janet Cassidy

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