Saturday, December 14, 2024



As we finish out this second week of Advent, I want to talk about listening. By listening, we can be God's presence to others, and they to us.

Let me explain.

My husband and I stopped into a box store looking for a particular item. Since we had no idea where to find it, I followed the nearest employee to ask about it.

As I approached her, I realized she was on a personal telephone call. She was talking exceptionally loud into the phone.

As we waited, I silently indicated to her that it was all right, that we could wait.

When she finished, she apologized profusely and explained that she was talking to her dad, who was becoming hard of hearing. "No problem," we told her, and then she gave us some of her personal story.

As we listened, she told us that, remarkably, at the age of 70, her dad (self-taught) took up sculpting and ended up sculpting some important statues around our community.

He was also famous nationwide for his intricate carving, a scrimshander of sorts, on guns.

We were both fascinated and inspired.

She expressed appreciation for our patience while she was on the phone and we left with my husband letting her know that we would pray for her and her dad (she had just lost her mom.)

Take time this Advent to listen to others. You will benefit from their stories, and they can benefit from your prayers.

We're in this together, and I thank God that we can go through this time together.

Janet Cassidy
Email me at:



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